music creates encounter

new paths and methods of intercultural practice and communication of music

Is music really a universal language or is it rather a form of art that speaks different dialects? What musical traditions do the people have to offer, who come to Saxony from different countries? What does music mean for them? How do they pass on their musical traditions to the next generation? What can we learn from this and how can we allow immigrants to participate in our own musical traditions?

These and many other questions associated with transcultural and intercultural music education and communication are what the "Interkulturelles Musikforum Sachsen" grapple with. Experiencing and identifying the respective other culture is at the focus. This perception of one another is the prerequisite for mutual respect and appreciation.

Together we explore new paths and methods that expand the horizons of our knowledge, experience and practice, and enrich our "intercultural portfolio". Of interest to us are both the particular musical and stylistic as well as the didactic and educational features of the respective cultures which are reflected in day-to-day musical education.